Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Help from The Help

Göran and I watched this movie last night, one of the films we put on our list of post-Oscars must-sees. Here's my favorite quote from the whole film:

God says we need to love our enemies, though it's hard to do. But it can start by telling the truth. No one had ever asked me what it felt like to be me. Once I told the truth about that, I felt free.


  1. I really liked this movie and especially that comment. It's safe to say I sobbed through the whole thing because it resonated so much with my experiences as a gay person.

  2. The movie actually bothered me by seeming to give too much credit to the white characters on the civil rights issue. In that respect it was very hard for me to watch, I believe the storyline didn't need a white heroine and let's face it there were few white heroes in that time and place. I wanted to love the movie but I couldn't get past reality.

  3. Well, yes. That's a fair criticism of the movie. The book/film has also been criticized for distorting the actual experience of African American maids and their families. And one woman (a former maid) even brought a lawsuit against the author of the book for stealing her story...
