Thursday, December 24, 2009


Today the best thing I can possibly think to say is Thank You.

Tuesday Göran and I took our son on a tour of the college of his choice. He's already been accepted there, so it was really for the purpose of learning more about what it will be like for him to be a student there, and start thinking about what preparations he needs to make. It was so incredible seeing the excitement on his face, and thinking about what he's getting ready to experience. And Göran and I were getting a bit teary, thinking about him being in a different city. Not too far away, but not so close that we would see him more often than every other weekend or so.

Yesterday, Glen spent the day hanging out with friends, and Göran -- not as lucky as I -- had to work. So I spent the day running errands, finishing the wrapping of gifts, and buying food that we'll need over the holiday.

Today, I shoveled snow. We got several inches overnight, and it's still coming down heavily. But I got the walk clear enough for me and Glen to get out of the house this morning and run one more errand...

I'm thankful for family and friends, and for loved ones under the same roof I get to feel cozy with, and protective of, and grateful for. I'm aware that others are not so fortunate.

If you're in the neighborhood, call or email me! We have plenty of home-baked pulla (Finnish pastry), made by Göran and Glen, plenty of milk for hot cocoa, and fresh fruit.

To everyone else, I wish peace, love and the fulfillment of your deepest and fondest hopes.


  1. Merry Christmas to you, Göran, and Glen! I can relate to your feelings about Glen moving out. Life will never be quite the same. When he comes home now it will be for brief visits. It is sad and yet exciting to see them move out into their world as adults.

    Have a great holiday together!

  2. Merry Christmas, John. Thanks for all of your beautiful posts.

  3. NO... thanks to you!

    Best wishes for a meaningful Christmas!

  4. I am so envious of the snow! Merry Christmas to you, too!

  5. Warmest and best Christmas greetings to you and yours!

  6. Boy, pulla sounds great - If Mel and I weren't in Nevada for the next week+ we'd definitely have to stop by for a snack.

  7. Merry Christmas my dear friend. Thanks for sharing your life and spirit with all of us. [[Hug]]

  8. Happy Christmas! Thanks for sharing a glimpse of it with us :)

  9. Bravone, Jon, Beck, Quiet Song, Mohohawaii, Reuben, Geckoman and Bored in Vernal, thanks for all the well wishes! We had a wonderful Christmas, and I hope you each had the same!

  10. Merry Christmas (a bit belated). I love that you had pulla. My mom always made braids for Christmas and bunnies for Easter. I made some this year but nothing ever seems to be quite the way Mom made it.

  11. Maraiya - Heh! That's funny.

    Yes, for some reason I never learned how to make pulla, but my husband insisted that my mother teach him how to make it, and now he makes it (almost!) as well as she does. (I say almost, not because I can necessarily taste any difference, but because Mom deserves the undisputed title of Best Pulla Maker Ever.)

    Our foster son Glen in turn wanted to learn how to make pulla from Göran, and Göran was an excellent teacher, so now Glen can make pulla (almost!) as good as Mom as well. It's real treat! And with all these great pulla makers under one roof, I never lack for that sweet braided bread! (They make it other times of the year than Christmas!)
