Thursday, April 17, 2008

Stake Conference

Some time in mid-March I received an email from a friend of mine letting me know that at our up-coming Stake Conference (which is this Sunday), Elder David A. Bednar would be holding a special session for "new members, investigators and recently reactivated." She thought I might be interested.

I know this is nothing special for those of you who live in Utah and see general authorities all the time (sometimes in your home wards), but I can count on one hand the number of times I've attended a meeting with the live presence of one of the Quorum of the Twelve. For those of us living in the "mission field" this is a big deal.

For me this is a big deal.

I replied to my friend that I was really interested, but intimidated at the same time, since technically I'm still an excommunicated member, not a "reactivated" member or even really an investigator, am I? I wasn't sure it was appropriate for me to go. Still, this weighed heavily on my heart, and the more I thought and prayed about it, the more I felt I needed to go, if it were at all possible.

Two days ago, I received a letter in the mail from our bishopric. The letter contained a schedule of Stake Conference events, and another blurb about the special session, but this time using the phrase "returning" members. I suppose that includes me? Our bishopric knows my status. They sent me the letter...

My friend had previously offered me a ride to Stake Conference, but she's not planning to be there early enough for the "returning" members session with Elder Bednar. Since the Stake Center is in the burbs, I have rented a car for the occasion, and plan to be there bright and early.

I'm still not entirely sure why I feel compelled to do this. I'm not sure how significant this will be in my overall spiritual journey. But it feels important to me right now, and I ask for your prayers.


  1. John, this is an interesting addition to Stake Conference. I hope you will report on how it goes. I think it is perfectly appropriate for you to be there, btw. And it's good to see you blogging, I've missed your voice here recently.

  2. For what it's worth - you have my prayers!

  3. You'll have the prayers of someone you don't even know but who reads and derives strength and perspective from your blog.
