Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's Nice to be [Heart]ed

Göran and Glen surprised me this past weekend with these cute T-shirts. It's so nice to be [heart]ed!


  1. Those are the cutest shirts ever!! My girls want to know how they can buy some for themselves and their friends.

    Göran, you are awesome! You too, Glen.

  2. Heh... That's funny. Glen wore his to school, and his Mormon lunch mate Izzy (who goes to my ward) immediately wanted one.

    The T-shirts are, um, sold by the makers of the infamous "Mormons Exposed" calendar. You can find them at "www.mormonsexposed.com/store.php."

  3. Jason and Eleanor want them too, but only if I wear a shirt that says "I heart Lutheran boys (Missouri Synod)"

  4. My shirt would have to say, "I heart boys who were baptized Catholic and then schlepped around to Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Jehovah's Witness, Assemblies of God and various other churches, synagogues and/or mosques."
