Monday, October 8, 2007

My conference highlights

Boyd K. Packer - Telling us that his testimony as an apostle is not essentially different from the testimony of ordinary members of the Church. The basic testimony he acquired as a rank-and-file member of the Church was "all he needed" to become an apostle. "You have the same access to revelation that we do." "The worth of souls is great. Every soul."

Richard C. Edgley - Compassion and a willingness to bear one another's burdens is the preeminent qualification for baptism. The Church responds to the deepest "emotional and spiritual needs" of its members. "What happens to one, happens to all."

Mary N. Cook - "Not all families are the same, but each are dependent on spiritual strength," on the same "patterns of righteousness."

Enrique R. Falabella - Our greatest treasure is our testimony.

Spencer J. Condie's words on the cost of impatience, and on the rewards of patience.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf - "Enduring to the end" is not a matter of passively tolerating life's difficult circumstances. Enduring to the end is patient continuance in well-doing. Faith as trust.

Joseph B. Wirthlin - If there was one message I needed from this conference, this was the one. (See my last post.)

Bruce D. Porter - Having a broken heart is "an eternal attribute of godliness." It is the precondition for repentance. With a broken heart, we become willing to do anything and everything that God asks of us "without resistance or resentment." It is a "divine shield against temptation." With it, "the attractions of the world lose their luster," and we experience deep gratitude for Christ's suffering on our behalf.

Keith K. Hilbig - "We dare not hinder, disregard, or quench the Holy Spirit."

Jeffrey R. Holland - I want to find that incredible quote by a 4th-century monk, who lamented, "They have taken my God away from me!" (I hope there's a footnote in the Ensign!) "This is life eternal, that they might know me. Latter-day Saints affirm faith in a "literal, living son of our literal, living God."

Russell M. Nelson - I was very interested in this discussion of the Book of Mormon -- this deserves its own post.

Henry B. Eyring's moving and humble testimony, and his encouragement to seek ways to "recognize and remember" the hand of God in our lives.

Quentin L. Cook's encouragement that we all come out of the closet... as Latter-day Saints.

Julie B. Beck - We need to do less, consume less, and focus more on relationships.

David A. Bednar - Perfection is obtained "line upon line," through "small, steady, incremental improvements."

Gordon B. Hinckley - "I invoke the blessings of Heaven upon you."

A family crisis prevented me from attending the fourth session. I spent a good part of the morning crying, and then Göran and I spent most of the last half of the day being with friends who needed us to be with them. I needed that blessing from the prophet. I was so grateful for the spirit of conference, for messages that reminded me what the gospel is about -- humility, love, bearing one another's burdens.

I remember a time when I couldn't have attended conference -- too much anger. I would have argued with everything, missed everything. I am so grateful to find myself where I am now. I am grateful that my partner has come to a place of acceptance, of being able to let me attend as many sessions as I want. I am grateful for friends in my ward who welcomed me to sit with them, who put their arms around me and invited me to call them when I feel sad. I feel incredibly lucky. I am incredibly blessed.

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