Thursday, October 13, 2011

Expecting... Again

Saturday was my birthday. Göran baked me an incredible, super fantastic chocolate chocolate chocolate cake. His gift to me was a love story, Habibi, by Craig Thompson, a book I couldn't put down until I had read it cover to cover. I want to read it again... and again... It is so full of wonderful, incredible stuff, and taught me so much about the gift of love Göran and I share, and my responsibility to everyone else I share this beautiful planet with, and what it means to be a child of God and to be human.

Glen has been thriving in college. He's been living independently for a little over a year now, and is doing so well. On my birthday, Göran and Glen and I had a great time at a nearby apple orchard, going for a hay ride, eating cider brats and apple pie, visiting the petting zoo, getting bitten by little black gnats, and successfully avoiding any actual apple picking. We are so proud of Glen. I love him and miss having him around the house, though we are usually able to spend time with him every week or two, and I find I don't cry when I see little reminders of him around the house quite so often as I did in the months just after he moved out!

We had promised Glen that we wouldn't take in any new foster kids for at least a year, until we were sure that he was doing well and successfully living on his own. We wanted his bedroom to be available in case he needed it! We're satisfied now that he's well on the road to independent living. (Glen insists he doesn't want to subject himself to our rules again!) So last night, we met with a social worker for about an hour and a half to fill out paper work for our foster care licensing renewal, and we are finally actively looking for a new placement again.

I feel a great sense of peace about this. In the month of November, we will finish paying off our house. We will own it free and clear. We have been blessed with material prosperity and good health and a loving relationship. So it would seem supremely ungrateful not to share that with another child in need.

We're expecting again!


Unknown said...

Fantastic. I think you and Goran have so much to offer. I'll keep you in my prayers.

John Gustav-Wrathall said...

Thanks, Reuben. We can use prayers!

It was great seeing you (and the baby!!!) Sunday.

Beck said...

Best wishes as you enter this new chapter of your lives!

Michelle said...

Good for you, and great for the child who will be placed in your care. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you will have a successful repeat performance. :)

calibosmom said...

You two are the coolest!!! Also, happy belated birthday!

John Gustav-Wrathall said...

Michelle, Calibosmom - we're excited! And thanks for the birthday wishes!

Neal - every kid is completely different, so in a way we're as unprepared for whomever comes next as we were for Glen. That's part of the fun!

John Gustav-Wrathall said...

Beck, long time no see!!!